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Cottage Hospital to implement cutting edge surgery recovery procedures
Posted By Cottage Hospital on Jul 19 2018
The central goal of implementing ERAS procedures is to increase patient satisfaction. Research conducted by the Canadian Urological Association Journal has shown that through the application of these measures to lower the physical stress responses to surgery, both pain and complications are reduced. Additionally, these procedures not only diminish complications and hospital stay, but they also improve cardiopulmonary function, return of bowel function and resumption of normal activities.
As a result of the efforts undertaken by Orthopedic Surgeon, Delphine Sullivan, MD, Cottage Hospital is leading the national charge for the implementation of these progressive techniques. Across the country, these measures have been limited to specific procedures and large academic centers because they challenge traditional surgical management procedures. However, because of the large body of evidence supporting their efficacy, Cottage Hospital is striving to make this a part of their standard operating procedures.
Read the full press release here.